Single Use Instruments

Minor Surgery Packs
Here you will find your favourite brands of Single Use packs for all your minor surgery needs, including our very popular ComfiKit, aswell as a great range of Bronze Minor Surgery packs, Biopsy Packs and much more.

High quality surgical forceps in a variety of sizes from market leading brands, including Rocialle, Instrapac and Unisurge. Sterile and disposable forceps that offer the highest level of precise function and technical efficiency.

A complete range of surgical and medical procedure scissors that are suitable for use within Primary and Secondary Care. Dressing, iris, stitch cutting and blunt dressing scissors at the lowest price.

Scalpels, Blades & Handles
Sterile and non-sterile scalpel blades and handles including curved, straight and long-reach. Ideal for GP surgeries, health centres and hospitals.

General Instruments
A wide range of Single Use Instruments from Skin Staple Removers, Nail Cutters, Dental Mirrors and Needle holders and Jobson Horne Probes. No matter what, we have you covered.

Procedure Packs
Our wide range of disposable surgical packs includes sterile dressing packs and minor surgery supplies. From vaginal examination tools, biopsy kits and medical wound dressing to implant insertion packs and tiny suture packs.

Suture & Suture Removal Packs
Gold, Silver, Bronze, Fine & Standard convenient packs containing everything you need within your surgery for safe and hygienic application and removal of sutures.